Tony Robbins

Fight and Grow Your Business Now | Roland Frasier | Business Resiliency

Fight and Grow Your Business Now | Roland Frasier | Business Resiliency

Your business has three options right now: freeze and fail, fumble and maybe survive or fight and grow. Roland Frasier wants to make sure you have the strategies to fight and to grow during this time so that when things go back to normal, your business is thriving. GET FREE Access to all of Digital Marketer’s Digital Lab: Get more inside knowledge from experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW:

Why Is NOW The Best Time To Grow & Expand Your Audience? | Ryan Deiss | Business Resiliency

Why Is NOW The Best Time To Grow & Expand Your Audience? | Ryan Deiss | Business Resiliency

Ryan Deiss, CEO of Digital Marketer shares what you can do to continue to grow and market during this time: expand your audience, engage with them on their terms, mirror the tone, messaging and imagery of the moment, and more. Plus, he shares his best strategic leadership and management tips. GET FREE Access to all of Digital Marketer’s Digital Lab: Get more inside knowledge from other experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW:

How To Empower Success In A Time Of Uncertainty And Disruption | Elatia Abate | Business Resiliency

How To Empower Success In A Time Of Uncertainty And Disruption | Elatia Abate | Business Resiliency

Elatia Abate’s expertise is on the topic of the future of work – on how to help empower people and organizations to be successful during times of massive uncertainty and massive disruption. How can you rethink your mindset, commit to education and training, and collaborate right now? Get more inside knowledge from experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW:

Communication In A Time Of Crisis | Donald Miller | Business Resiliency

Communication In A Time Of Crisis | Donald Miller | Business Resiliency

Donald Miller is a storytelling expert and he wants you to know that communication is more important than ever in times of great uncertainty. But you don’t have to be overwhelmed figuring out what to say, whether it’s to your team or your clients. He says there are just two basic things you must communicate. Get more inside knowledge from other experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW:

3 Ways To Create Raving Fan Customers RIGHT NOW | David Meerman Scott | Business Resiliency

3 Ways To Create Raving Fan Customers RIGHT NOW | David Meerman Scott | Business Resiliency

First: Stop focusing on your own products and services, and instead focus on your buyers – your ideal customers. David Meerman Scott shares this and two more tips for connecting with your customers and creating raving fans that you can implement right now in this video. Get more inside knowledge from other experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW:

This Daily Habit Will Prime Your Brain To Be Its Best | Tony Robbins

This Daily Habit Will Prime Your Brain To Be Its Best | Tony Robbins

Your MORNING ROUTINE has a lasting impact on the rest of your day. Use this 15-min PRIMER as a preparation tool to start the day FOCUSSED, ENERGIZED, CREATIVE, CENTERED and CONNECTED to your ultimate outcomes. It establishes a foundation of GRATITUDE for everything that’s guided us to this moment and the opportunity to START FRESH. If you have obstacles that are holding you back from who you want to be, PRIMING is one of the most effective tools for bridging that gap. 💥PRIME YOURSELF! YOU Continue lendo

How Your Business Can Benefit From £330 Billion Government Stimulus | Business Resiliency Webinar

How Your Business Can Benefit From £330 Billion Government Stimulus | Business Resiliency Webinar

UNITED KINGDOM – Tony Robbins & Simon Kallu will help you make sense of the vast amounts of information around the unprecedented economy and complex financial assistance programs – so you can make smart, strategic decisions about your business. First, Tony is going to share some facts and figures about the current climate and the 6 things he’s doing across his 54 companies that you can implement in your business. Then, Simon Kallu, Partner, Global Accounting Advisors & CEO and Founder of GrowFactor will demystify Continue lendo

How Your Business Can Benefit From The $2 Trillion Government Stimulus | Business Resiliency Webinar

How Your Business Can Benefit From The $2 Trillion Government Stimulus | Business Resiliency Webinar

UNITED STATES – Tony Robbins & Tyler McBroom will help you make sense of the vast amounts of information around the unprecedented economy and complex financial assistance programs – so you can make smart, strategic decisions about your business. First, Tony is going to share some facts and figures about the current climate and the 6 things he’s doing across his 54 companies that you can implement in your business. Next, Tony and Tyler McBroom, Partner, Global Accounting Advisors & Managing Partner of Measured Results, Continue lendo

How Your Business Can Benefit From $189 Billion Government Stimulus | Business Resiliency Webinar

How Your Business Can Benefit From $189 Billion Government Stimulus | Business Resiliency Webinar

AUSTRALIA – The arrival of the coronavirus ended a 29-year period of uninterrupted economic growth in Australia, and has skyrocketed unemployment rates. Fortunately, the Australian government has passed a $189 billion stimulus bill – and Tony Robbins wants to help you maximize its benefits for your business. Tony and Paul Siderovski, Partner, Global Accounting Advisors & CEO of Sidcor, discuss how to apply for the various federal and state support measures, how to determine whether you qualify for the JobKeeper Payment Scheme and what you Continue lendo

Creativity & Caring | Tony Robbins

Creativity & Caring | Tony Robbins

CREATIVITY & CARING💡+❤️ What big or seemingly small thing could you do TODAY to make someone feel important, needed, appreciated, seen & loved? How will you use your creativity + caring to light up a friend, loved one, or even a complete stranger? Let’s inspire each other to spread more KINDNESS in the world this week. Follow TR: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Website: Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than 37 Continue lendo

Being Resilient During Uncertain Times  | Tony Robbins

Being Resilient During Uncertain Times | Tony Robbins

In these uncertain times, remember the proven RESILIENCE of humanity and our in-born power of FAITH. We hope this video touches your heart and your loved ones today. With all our Love, Tony & Sage Follow TR: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Website: Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than 37 years, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and dynamic presentation of Mr. Robbins’ corporate and personal development events. As Continue lendo

We Are Greater | Our Prayer During These Uncertain Times | Tony Robbins

We Are Greater | Our Prayer During These Uncertain Times | Tony Robbins

In times of uncertainty and fear we can all get stuck in mind, yet we know deep down, we are spiritual creatures. We all come from someplace and we’re all going somewhere. Our development and evolution are triggered by the challenges we face. As we let go of fear and go within, we reconnect to a higher purpose. 🙏 From our hearts to yours, Tony and Sage Follow TR: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Website: Tony Robbins is a #1 New Continue lendo

Rediscover Your Joy | Ep. 10 JOY #UnleashYourGift | Tony Robbins

Rediscover Your Joy | Ep. 10 JOY #UnleashYourGift | Tony Robbins

HAPPINESS IS OUR TRUE NATURE. We don’t need an excuse to feel good. We don’t have to wait until our team wins the championship to experience joy. None of us need a reason to celebrate this existence — but we ALL have one — WE’RE ALIVE! So many people believe that happiness is outside of our control, that it’s dependent on some external circumstance, but the truth is, HAPPINESS is a decision. We can DECIDE to live in a beautiful STATE of playfulness and appreciation Continue lendo

You’re Invited to Tony Robbins’ 60th Birthday Benefit Concert!

You’re Invited to Tony Robbins’ 60th Birthday Benefit Concert!

YOU ARE INVITED to Tony Robbins’ 60th Birthday Benefit Concert! PURCHASE YOUR TICKET TO THE CONCERT please visit: JOIN US for a once-in-a-lifetime event honoring TONY ROBBINS 60th BIRTHDAY and his life’s legacy of service & impact spanning four decades. Get your ticket today for a party with purpose! The BENEFIT CONCERT is in L.A. on Saturday, February 29th. It will be an unforgettable night of music and heartfelt expressions of love for a man who has dedicated his life to making other people’s Continue lendo

How To Stop Worrying About The Past & The Future | Ep. 9 PRESENCE #UnleashYourGift | Tony Robbins

How To Stop Worrying About The Past & The Future | Ep. 9 PRESENCE #UnleashYourGift | Tony Robbins

PRESENCE – THE STATE OF BEING There is nothing more powerful than a human soul rooted in the present moment. THIS MOMENT, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, is the ONLY thing that is REAL. Everything else is something you’ve made up about the future, or a filtered memory of the past. The greatest gift we give ourselves is to learn how to step into THIS MOMENT new. To EXPERIENCE LIFE, instead of remembering it, or imagining it in our minds. Let’s forget about the past and Continue lendo

YOU ARE INVITED To Tony’s 60th Birthday Benefit! | Tony Robbins

YOU ARE INVITED To Tony’s 60th Birthday Benefit! | Tony Robbins

*** To PURCHASE YOUR TICKET to the PARTY please visit: *** YOU ARE INVITED to a once-in-a-lifetime event honoring TONY ROBBINS 60th BIRTHDAY and his life’s legacy of service. Join us in a BENEFIT CONCERT on Saturday, February 29th (2/29/2020) for an unforgettable night of music and heartfelt expressions of love for an extraordinary man who has dedicated his life to making other people’s lives better. There will be a long list of amazing human beings and performers who will share their gratitude for Continue lendo

The New Conor McGregor Mindset | Tony Robbins

The New Conor McGregor Mindset | Tony Robbins

A behind-the-scenes sneak peak with UFC champion, Connor McGregor, after his win against Cowboy Cerrone. So proud of the ONE & ONLY, #ConorMcGregor!! What a turnaround he’s created within himself in the last year. He’s had a WORK ETHIC like no other — not only strengthening his body to be even more FIT than he’s been, but also, and perhaps, MORE IMPORTANTLY, strengthening his MIND, HEART, and SOUL. Cowboy was a worthy opponent — so much RESPECT and so CLASSY in victory of Conor to Continue lendo

Meet Sophia, World’s First AI Humanoid Robot | Tony Robbins

Meet Sophia, World’s First AI Humanoid Robot | Tony Robbins

Sophia travels to Palm Beach, Florida, to meet with Tony Robbins during our Date With Destiny event — and Tony did not hold back on asking some tough questions! Here are some highlights from their conversation where they talked about everything from how Sophia’s makers have influenced and shaped her A.I., to their shared commitment to helping humans experience a better quality of life! What do you think about the future of A.I.? Let us know in the comments below! Follow TR: Facebook: Twitter: Continue lendo

Take Your Life to the Next Level | Ep. 8 GROWTH #UnleashYourGift | Tony Robbins

Take Your Life to the Next Level | Ep. 8 GROWTH #UnleashYourGift | Tony Robbins

Want to know THE SECRET to HAPPINESS? I’ll give it to you in one word… PROGRESS. And the reason is: LIFE is GROWTH! We’re either advancing in a state of evolution & growth (and in so doing, contributing) OR, we’re decaying away in stasis. The magnificent gift is the more we GROW & BECOME the more we have to GIVE. Do something TODAY to take your life to the next level. Step up!! Grow or die, baby! Let us know how you will GROW in Continue lendo

Happy New Year from Tony Robbins! | 4 Steps To Keeping Your 2020 Resolutions

Happy New Year from Tony Robbins! | 4 Steps To Keeping Your 2020 Resolutions

Every year in January, millions of people write their New Year’s resolutions, committing to what they are going to change in the coming year. For nearly half, these resolutions are related to health, such as weight loss and fitness. Yet 80% of New Year’s resolutions will fail by February. To be successful, your resolution needs three things: a desired outcome, smart strategy and focused action. So many of us fail because we are missing the middle piece – smart strategy – and we opt for Continue lendo

Episode 7: FORGIVENESS | Unleash Your Gift

Episode 7: FORGIVENESS | Unleash Your Gift

Free Yourself This Year with FORGIVENESS The act of FORGIVENESS and releasing someone to their greatest good creates true freedom in our lives. The freedom to start fresh, to free up space in our thoughts and units of physical energy to put towards what really matters most to us in life. There is freedom in accepting total responsibility and believing with conviction that life isn’t happening TO you, it’s happening FOR you. Nelson Mandela said: “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will Continue lendo

Episode 6: GRACE | Unleash Your Gift

Episode 6: GRACE | Unleash Your Gift

GRACE is the Fabric of Existence There’s a guiding force that shows up in our lives daily — whether we recognize it in its own special moments, or it passes through us, in us, and by us largely unnoticed, like a gentle breeze, the song of laughter in the distance, the first peek of light at dawn, or our own hearts beating in the miracle of life. Some call it luck, some call it God or GRACE. Like so many gifts in our lives, the Continue lendo

Episode 5: CONSCIOUSNESS | Unleash Your Gift

Episode 5: CONSCIOUSNESS | Unleash Your Gift

Consciousness = CARING Consciousness is a concept that can sound esoteric, but all it really means is CARING. The simple truth is, the more we care about others, the more ALIVE and ENGAGED we’re going to feel. We all have a great gift as humans. We get to expand our consciousness through caring for others — beyond our self — and cultivating daily practices to live more mindfully. The holiday season is a wonderful time of being with our family, loved ones, and ourselves in Continue lendo

Episode 4: LOVE & CONNECTION | Unleash Your Gift

Episode 4: LOVE & CONNECTION | Unleash Your Gift

LOVE is the ULTIMATE GIFT! What’s the gift that they’ll never forget? We all know the answer: ❤️OUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ❤️ This holiday season, decide to be a generous lover with your PRESENCE and WILLINGNESS TO CONNECT with the people assembled around you.

Episode 3: GRATITUDE | Unleash Your Gift

Episode 3: GRATITUDE | Unleash Your Gift

The Antidote to Anger & Fear is GRATITUDE 🙏 What could you choose to be GRATEFUL for right NOW if you wanted to? Remember, the CHOICE is always ours! We can look for what’s missing, OR we can consciously direct our focus to find JOY and FULFILLMENT in what we already have. What’s wrong is ALWAYS available — so is what’s RIGHT. This holiday season, let’s ACTIVATE GRATITUDE every single day.

Episode 2: DRIVE | Unleash Your Gift

Episode 2: DRIVE | Unleash Your Gift

Are you HUNGRY to BE, DO, CREATE, SHARE, and GIVE even more? HUNGER will DRIVE YOU through your challenges, setbacks, and fears. For over 40 years I’ve been obsessed with the question: What is it that makes the DIFFERENCE in people’s lives? I’m the ‘Why’ guy. I want to know why some people keep going when everyone else quits. Why do some people simply TALK about a dream and never follow through, while others work tirelessly and relentlessly to find a way to break through Continue lendo

Episode 1: EMOTION | Unleash Your Gift

Episode 1: EMOTION | Unleash Your Gift

The MOST POWERFUL FORCE on EARTH is HUMAN EMOTION. We live in a cognitively-driven world so we tend to overlook the underlying INVISIBLE FORCES. The truth is, our MINDS are FUELED by EMOTION. EMOTION is a HABIT. We can train it like a muscle. EMOTIONAL FITNESS expands our thoughts, our understandings, our actions, our abilities, the way we interact with people, and the way we experience the world. Where do you live, EMOTIONALLY?