Father vs. Dad: Understanding the Difference
#tonnyrobbins #fathersday #fathersday2024
#tonnyrobbins #fathersday #fathersday2024
#sagerobbins #tonyrobbins
Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist. For more than four and a half decades, more than 100 million people from 195 countries have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and transformational power of his business and personal development events. Mr. Robbins is the author of seven internationally bestselling books, including three #1 New York Times bestsellers: Money: Master the Game, Unshakeable, and Life Force. He created the #1 personal and professional development program Continue lendo→
http://youtu.be/l6lcEQsraKg Welcome to Day 3 of the Game Has Changed Virtual Live Event! Thanks for watching on YouTube… If you’re not already registered for the event, make it real by signing up at https://gamehaschangedevent.com/save-my-spot?source=stream&a=101101. (It costs you nothing, and this is how you can access the replays of Day 1 and Day 2)
http://youtu.be/y5H4kx0YOBQ Welcome to Day 1 of the Game has Changed Virtual Live Event! Thanks for watching on Youtube… If you’re not already registered for the event, go make this real at https://gamehaschangedevent.com/save-my-spot?source=stream&a=101101 (costs you nothing but this is how you get important updates and stay in the know for Days 2-3!)
Business Mastery is the world’s premier business training event designed and hosted by the world’s #1 authority on business transformation and peak performance – Tony Robbins. Apply Now: https://tonyr.co/3TX1oGs This five-day event equips entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders with cutting-edge systems, skills and strategies not found anywhere else to create an invincible advantage against competitors. Business Mastery is designed to help participants thrive in any economic climate as they discover critical factors impacting their businesses. Participants design an action plan for their next phase of Continue lendo→
Tony Robbins shares insights on what leadership is, how to be a real agent of change, what it means to be a servant leader, and how to positively influence others no matter the circumstances. What type of leader are you? Learn more about Leadership Academy, happening July 13-16, 2024: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/events/leadership-academy/ Follow Tony Robbins: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyRobbins Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonyrobbins/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tonyrobbins Twitter: https://twitter.com/tonyrobbins LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/officialtonyrobbins Website: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/ Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist. Continue lendo→
Use Tony Robbins ‘Now I Am The Voice’ incantation any day you want to upgrade your mindset, raise your standards, take control of your future, and change your results. Problems are not permanent. Gratitude is always available. Step up, and never give up! 🙏 Repeat this daily for 21 days and watch your life transform! Watch more videos like this 👇 These 3 Questions Will Change How You Do EVERYTHING!: https://youtu.be/43RL-kSEEyQ 7 Mins That Will Change How You See Yourself Forever…: https://youtu.be/t1OGfhP3j-o Find Joy and Continue lendo→
How can past crises teach us how to deal with challenges in today’s world? Neil Howe is a renowned historian and generational theorist, known for co-authoring the seminal books “Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069” and “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy.” In this timely one-on-one conversation with Scott Harris — a seasoned facilitator and trainer for Tony Robbins — Neil discusses his latest book, “The Fourth Turning Is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us About How and When This Crisis Continue lendo→
Try Tony Robbins Priming routine, a daily affirmations practice rooted in the psychology of success. Priming is the perfect way to set yourself up for whatever your day will bring. In just 15 minutes, this visualization meditation exercise establishes a foundation of gratitude for everything that has guided you to this moment. Watch more videos like this: Tony Robbins FULL Priming Exercise – https://youtu.be/faTGTgid8Uc 3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself – https://youtu.be/43RL-kSEEyQ 7 Minutes That Will Change Your Life – https://youtu.be/t1OGfhP3j-o Priming has the ability Continue lendo→
Happy Mother’s Day 2024! If you’re a Mother, you should know how beautiful and powerful you are. The world is grateful for the love and care you devote to others to fulfill the role of motherhood. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone! I love you and know that you matter! Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate how amazing moms are. It’s a day to say thank you for all the love and care moms everywhere give. Whether you’ve given birth to a child or not, Continue lendo→
http://youtu.be/MdnDcgjniMs In today’s rapidly changing economic landscape, smart business owners must change with it to achieve sustainable and explosive business growth – or risk getting left behind. But what if you could turn the tide in your favor, regardless of the economic environment? At The Unshakeable Business, Tony is revealing the critical factors that could put you out of business if you’re not paying attention to them… But if handled correctly, these triggers will empower you to experience explosive growth in any economy! With Tony’s Continue lendo→
Welcome to a brand-new Family Edition of The Tony Robbins Podcast! Join Tony Robbins, his wife Sage Robbins, and their dear friend and podcast host turned surrogate, Mary B., for an intimate, at-home conversation on the topic of CONSCIOUS PARENTING. In honor of Mother’s Day 2024, Tony takes the interviewer’s seat and talks to both Sage and Mary about the principles, strategies, tools, and learnings derived from their own journey as mothers. This enlightening conversation transcends traditional notions of parenting, as the trio explores Continue lendo→
These 3 questions will change how you think and do everything – use them wisely so you can become aware of any patterns and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living a fulfilling, successful life. Watch more videos like this 👇 4 Incredibly Powerful Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day…: https://youtu.be/cezRZBe2gOQ Reprogram Your Mind So Change & Growth Are EASY: https://youtu.be/_iJJ3G6qp2A This Daily Choice Will MAKE OR BREAK Your Relationships: https://youtu.be/VgOFSwgMzqs 7 Mins To Change How You See Yourself Forever…: https://youtu.be/t1OGfhP3j-o Follow Tony Continue lendo→
In this 2-PART SERIES, we’re taking you inside a Tony Robbins Business Mastery seminar. Apply for Business Mastery: https://tonyr.co/3TX1oGs | Joe Gebbia, co-founder of Airbnb and Samara says “Every rejection is an invitation to keep going!” His creative vision has transformed the travel industry and connected millions of people across cultures. In 2008, the necessity to pay rent sparked the birth of Airbnb with his co-founders, Brian Chesky and Nathan Blecharczyk. What began as a modest setup of three airbeds, a pop-tart breakfast, and local Continue lendo→
Save Your Seat FREE: https://tonyr.co/3y3ZzhJ | Join Tony Robbins LIVE to prepare for the massive economic changes coming in the next 18 months… Save your seat now for The Unshakeable Business, an exclusive, one-time only event May 10, 11am–2pm PT | 2pm-5pm ET. You’ll learn the 8 triggers to ignite explosive business growth in any economic environment and get the tools you need to recession-proof your business. This event will be 3-4 hours jam-packed with key insights that can ignite explosive growth this year. You Continue lendo→
If you’re struggling in your relationship, watch this… What would it look like to change your perspective? Would this daily choice shift anything between you and your partner? If you’ve ever started or stoked a fire, you know that you have to use kindling. You also know that the smallest spark can eventually become a roaring blaze. Once the fire has reached its full potential, you maintain it and it stays strong – or you neglect it and it dies out. The same principle applies Continue lendo→
Improving the quality of your life involves letting go and accepting yourself fully along every step of your journey. Finding a healthy balance between personal growth and fulfillment is the key to a truly successful life. In this video, watch Tony Robbins reframe Tina’s repetitive thought patterns to help her find a healthier balance while guiding her towards deeper enjoyment and self acceptance. Watch more videos like this 👇 7 Mins To Change How You See Yourself Forever…: https://youtu.be/t1OGfhP3j-o LET IT GO! Surrender to Happiness Continue lendo→
In this special 2-PART SERIES, we’re taking you inside a Tony Robbins Business Mastery seminar to help you learn HOW TO BUILD A BRAND, SHOWCASE YOUR X FACTOR, and BRING YOUR UNIQUE PRODUCT or SERVICE to the COMPETITIVE MARKET! Learn more about Business Mastery here: https://tonyr.co/bm-podcast In PART ONE, Tony Robbins sits down for an exclusive one-on-one with Sam Nazarian, the visionary entrepreneur behind an empire of hospitality, nightlife, and real estate. Best known for founding SBE Entertainment Group in 2002, Nazarian transformed it into Continue lendo→
There are 3 types of leaders in this world – which one are you? This next 7 minutes could change the trajectory of your career and work, help with finding your purpose, and transform how you see yourself for good. Aligning with your true nature can reduce stress, increase fulfillment, lead to massive success and enhance your joy in life. What’s your true nature? Learn more at Business Mastery: https://tr.tonyrobbins.com/bm-form-page Business Mastery is Tony Robbins exclusive business mastermind for Founders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs. Scale your Continue lendo→
Tony and Sage Robbins are excited to share this practical and instructive excerpt from their recent Inner Circle members event as they guide a volunteer through inquiry and illustrate: OUR QUESTIONS are THE ANSWER. Tony and Sage address the source of our human suffering — the mind’s repetitive thoughts and limiting beliefs — that shape our emotions and drive our behavior. They discuss “The Work” of their dear friend, Byron Katie, renowned author and teacher whose transformative method of inquiry has inspired countless individuals worldwide Continue lendo→
The B-I-G-G-E-S-T Unleash the Power Within in HISTORY — and the first of 2024 — is now officially in the books! Over 4 DAYS, we shattered limitations and discovered how to create an extraordinary life on OUR OWN terms. We got clear on what mattered most to us and we GREW so that we had more to GIVE. 🫶 THANK YOU for inviting us into your homes by way of Zoom! 🏠 🙏❤️🌏 Unleash the Power Within is the signature event designed by entrepreneur, best-selling Continue lendo→
Is happiness a choice? And if so, can it be engineered? Mo Gawdat, former Chief Business Officer of Google X and founder of One Billion Happy, believes this is true. In fact, he’s used his three decades of success in the tech industry to engineer his very own “happiness algorithm” to help all of us achieve this mind frame. Gawdat began his mission to conquer happiness after experiencing the ultimate tragedy. In 2014, Mo suddenly lost his beloved son, Ali, which thrust him into depression and an existential reckoning Continue lendo→
How large is your capacity for forgiveness? Author and motivational speaker Immaculée Ilibagiza grew up in a small village in Rwanda, Africa. With her loving parents and three brothers, Immaculée excelled in school and eventually went on to study electrical and mechanical engineering at the National University of Rwanda. However, her life took a dramatic turn in 1994. On April 6 of that year, the assassination of the Rwandan President ignited months of massacres targeting Tutsi tribe members across the country. To protect his daughter Continue lendo→
LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe! As human beings, LOVE is our evolutionary advantage. LOVE blesses us, it renews, it restores, it heals, and it transcends. In all of our relationships — with our beloveds, brothers and sisters, dear friends, family, our children, teammates, neighbors — we are called to honor and support the ones we love, to share and grow, and GIVE LOVE. Love is our greatest spiritual teacher and love is always the answer. Happy Valentine’s Day to all! And Continue lendo→
Mark your calendars for February 13, 2024, as Tony Robbins — the unparalleled force in life/business strategy and financial insight — is back with his eagerly anticipated new book “The Holy Grail of Investing.” The final book in Tony’s legendary financial freedom trilogy, Tony reveals the strategies and insights of some of the world’s most successful investors. As a special bonus, Tony is sharing the audio version of Chapter One for free, which he’s narrated himself. ABOUT TONY’S BOOK: Tony Robbins, alongside renowned investor Christopher Continue lendo→
http://youtu.be/FBbriMwVtCo Welcome to BONUS DAY of the Time to Rise Summit! Surprise! Tony added one more power-packed bonus training to help you maximize your potential and lock in your 2024 Results Plan. He’s revealing 5 pillars for thriving even when faced with uncertainty. These 5 pillars are the missing link to activate and accelerate your results. Join Tony for the summit finale as he spotlights the insider tips and tools to be resilient, adaptive and empowered to achieve the extraordinary goals on your 2024 Results Continue lendo→
http://youtu.be/miWMbBT-Dwk ¡Bienvenido al DÍA EXTRA de la Cumbre Time to Rise! ¡Sorpresa! Tony ha añadido una capacitación de bonificación repleta de potencia para ayudarte a maximizar tu potencial y fijar tu plan de resultados del 2024. Nos revelará los cinco pilares para prosperar incluso ante la incertidumbre. Estos cinco pilares son el eslabón perdido para activar y acelerar tus resultados. Acompaña a Tony en la clausura de la cumbre, en la que presentará consejos y herramientas para ser resistente, adaptable y capaz de alcanzar los Continue lendo→
http://youtu.be/OroiMt7DMb4 Hoy, Tony está presentando su nuevo y emocionante plan de 7 pasos para transformar la fuerza de la identidad y acelerar tu progreso, demostrando que estás en el camino destinado solo para ti. Aquí está la verdad: Nuestros antiguos hábitos y patrones ya no son efectivos ante los desafíos actuales que enfrentamos. Si aspiras a experimentar la vida en un nivel superior, necesitas un impulso y un plan para alcanzar esa meta. Y Tony quiere proporcionarte las herramientas necesarias para lograr exactamente eso, permitiéndote Continue lendo→
http://youtu.be/jUF9KuMfBTc Today, Tony is revealing his brand-new 7-step plan to shift the force of identity and accelerate your progress to prove you’re on the destined path meant just for you! Here’s the truth: Our old habits and patterns aren’t going to work with the current challenges we face – if you want to experience life at the next level, you need a breakthrough, and a plan to get you there. And Tony wants you to have the tools to do exactly that – so you Continue lendo→