O que você mais teme, é o que acontece (CONFRONTO X CONFLITO)
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Check out the “Striving in Chaos” series on THE BRENDON SHOW podcast: http://bit.ly/TheBrendonShow Like this? LIVE coaching from me every month: https://hpxlife.com/coaching ===== DEALS ===== Get Year of Mastery! Includes LIVE life coaching each month and the best personal development courses: http://hpxmastery.com/ Get my High Performance Planner, the best productivity planner and journal in the world: https://www.highperformanceplanner.com/ Get my brain supplement for mental focus and creativity: https://www.hpxlife.com/hpxsupplements Get my best personal development courses all year: https://www.hpxlife.com/courses ===== FOLLOW ME ===== YouTube Subscribe: http://j.mp/BrendonsYoutube IG: http://Instagram.com/brendonburchard Continue lendo→
Right now, your website needs to be your best salesperson, and you can do that using the strategies that Todd Hartley, CEO of Wirebuzz, shares in this video. Create an effortless, on-demand buying experience using video that improves clarity and eliminates confusion, and how to leverage your sales team to help. Get more inside knowledge from experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW: https://core.tonyrobbins.com/business-resilience-expert-videos
Your business has three options right now: freeze and fail, fumble and maybe survive or fight and grow. Roland Frasier wants to make sure you have the strategies to fight and to grow during this time so that when things go back to normal, your business is thriving. GET FREE Access to all of Digital Marketer’s Digital Lab: https://www.digitalmarketer.com/lab-plus/?fpr= Get more inside knowledge from experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW: https://core.tonyrobbins.com/business-resilience-expert-videos
Ryan Deiss, CEO of Digital Marketer shares what you can do to continue to grow and market during this time: expand your audience, engage with them on their terms, mirror the tone, messaging and imagery of the moment, and more. Plus, he shares his best strategic leadership and management tips. GET FREE Access to all of Digital Marketer’s Digital Lab: https://www.digitalmarketer.com/lab-plus/?fpr= Get more inside knowledge from other experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW: https://core.tonyrobbins.com/business-resilience-expert-videos
Elatia Abate’s expertise is on the topic of the future of work – on how to help empower people and organizations to be successful during times of massive uncertainty and massive disruption. How can you rethink your mindset, commit to education and training, and collaborate right now? Get more inside knowledge from experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW: https://core.tonyrobbins.com/business-resilience-expert-videos
Donald Miller is a storytelling expert and he wants you to know that communication is more important than ever in times of great uncertainty. But you don’t have to be overwhelmed figuring out what to say, whether it’s to your team or your clients. He says there are just two basic things you must communicate. Get more inside knowledge from other experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW: https://core.tonyrobbins.com/business-resilience-expert-videos
First: Stop focusing on your own products and services, and instead focus on your buyers – your ideal customers. David Meerman Scott shares this and two more tips for connecting with your customers and creating raving fans that you can implement right now in this video. Get more inside knowledge from other experts on how to grow your business RIGHT NOW: https://core.tonyrobbins.com/business-resilience-expert-videos
Mudança de Paradigmas 3.0 + R$3.388 em Bônus: https://hotm.art/MDP30YTB Link do outro vídeo: https://youtu.be/5_9lUCcbTDY 📱Participe do Nosso Canal no Telegram e fique por dentro sempre que eu disponibilizar um novo conteúdo que irá te ajudar a viver a vida que você deseja. ➡ http://bit.ly/TelegramIMT Siga o Movimento da Clínica do Sucesso também aqui ↴ 💻 SITE: http://marcostrombetta.com.br/ 🔵 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/marcosatrombetta 📷 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/marcos.trombetta 📌 CURSOS, LIVROS E TUDO O QUE VOCÊ PRECISA PARA ALAVANCAR O SEU SUCESSO: https://marcostrombetta.com.br/produtos/ #MudancadeParadigmas #InscriçõesAbertas #MarcosTrombetta
E quando o “e se” paralisa sua vida, o que fazer? Confere o vídeo de hoje que nele eu conto. Há duas grandes dores na vida. Uma é quando dá tudo errado. Outra é o medo que te paralisa diante da mera possibilidade de dar tudo errado. Tudo a ser feito na vida tem barreiras e dificuldades… Há pessoas que agem apesar dessas dores… Outras, não, presas no “e se”… “E se eu tentar e der errado?” “E se eu passar a vida estudando e Continue lendo→