If You Died Today, How Would You Love? | A Powerful Moment with Tony & Sage

What if we chose to appreciate every moment as if it was our last?

What if right now, we were truly awake to the miracle of life itself? Let’s give thanks for the gift of “LIFE” that beats the heart in our chests. …As long as it beats, we live.

Life is always calling us to find new ways to wake up to the inconceivable gift of it all. It is from this place of appreciation and awe that we can connect to our loved ones in more intimate, honoring, and meaningful ways.

Our parents, partners, friends, brothers & sisters, our kids, co-workers, roommates – life offers us so many avenues to connect. It is up to us to choose love only every time.

It’s one thing to say, “I love you,” and another to actually offer the currency of your unconditional love and total presence to your beloveds.

Wouldn’t all the upsets we have with the ones we love disappear in an instant if we knew this was the last moment we’d ever share with them again?

Share the invisible gift of your harmony with loved ones. And love today as if it were your last.

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