Meditation will change your life – And it’s easier than you think! (Feat. Sage Robbins)

In this special episode of The Tony Robbins Podcast, you’ll hear from Tony Robbins, his wife Sage Robbins, and podcast host Mary B. as they discuss why mindfulness is so important and how simple meditation can be used to maximize your mindset and prime yourself for clarity, concentration, focused attention, personal power, and living a life of meaning.

If you’re familiar with any of Tony Robbins’ peak performance strategies, you know that your ability to maintain a “peak state” is a key component of living the life you desire. In today’s world of constant demands and digital distractions, mindfulness is about making your moments truly matter and living up to your full potential. Meditating can be as simple as tuning in and noticing the full scope of the present moment. It’s about your power to put your attention where you want it to be, and not on something else that someone dangles on a screen in front of you.

This is just one reason why Tony Robbins incorporates a gratitude meditation (known as his priming exercise) into his daily morning routine to center his mind every single day.

We can’t be the best version of ourselves when we are feeling stress, anger, or anxiety. How you feel – also known as your state — is affected by the way you use your physical body, your ability to direct your mind’s focus, and the language or meaning you give to your experiences.

The incoherence of our head and heart, the jitters in our nervous system and body, make us less effective and less resourceful.

By practicing meditation and present moment mindfulness, you change your state to one of coherence between head and heart, body and spirit, self and the universe.

From this position, you can solve any challenge, create innovative solutions, and pursue your mission with purpose and clarity.

If you’re one of the millions of people who think, “I can’t meditate,” or worry that you’re meditating wrong because you can’t stop thinking – this podcast is for you!

As Sage Robbins explains, there is no “one way” to meditate – meditation and mindfulness can be practiced in many forms and expressions.

Even Tony used to think that sitting still and trying to clear his mind from any thoughts was a complete waste of time.

But he found the form of meditation that works for him – priming – which many of you have experienced at his events. It’s all about turning the volume down on incessant thoughts so you can center yourself and return to the world ready to give, do, and be more than ever before.

For you, meditation might look like running, taking a nature walk, sitting on a city bench, or star gazing. It doesn’t have to be about sitting in silence or isolation.

The gift of meditation calls us back to this present moment. Without it, we can miss the beauty of life in its purest form.

After listening to this podcast, you may be surprised at how often you naturally become aware of the fullness of life and allow yourself to fall into a form of meditation on a daily or weekly basis.

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Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than 40 years, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and dynamic presentation of Mr. Robbins’ corporate and personal development events. As the nation’s #1 life and business strategist, he’s called upon to consult and coach some of the world’s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations.